Outdoor Recess
During the winter and cooler fall and spring months, please remember that we will make every effort possible to go outside for recess (weather permitting). Please be sure to send you child to school with appropriate clothing for outdoor recess, including coats, hats and gloves. If you need assistance purchasing these items, please reach out to our school counselor Mr. Stephen Hope via email -
[email protected]..
Charging Chromebooks
To prepare for their learning experiences the next morning, it is important that your child’s Chromebook be charged each night. Coming in with a charged device will afford your child all the time they need to complete the awesome activities their teacher has set up for them. Thank you so much for your help with this.
Contact Information Update
In order to better enhance home/school communication, Dormont Elementary School would like to remind all of our families to contact the main office with any updates to your student(s) contact list. We would like to ensure that everyone’s most updated emergency contact information is documented in our School Information System (SIS). The SIS not only helps us communicate with our families, but informs our staff of any additional emergency information. For example, students may only be released to individuals listed on the emergency information provided regardless of verbal permission. In addition, we would like to remind all our families that valid identification is required when picking up all students prior to dismissal.